Summary of Toledo Democracy Day 2020 as a Success Story.

On Wednesday October 21, Nick Komives, Toledo council member opened the fourth Annual event.

48 Zoomers were connect by virtual live zoom.  We had 12 presenters and five council members present: Adams, Melden, McPherson, Komives  and Gadus.  Mayor Kapszukiewicz also joined and stayed for the 1 ½ hour duration.  Each presentation averaged only five minutes and were concise, informed and articulate.

View the program at

The keynote remarks from Teresa Fedor were read by Dennis Slotnick, an Essay from a High School student, Rachel Alvina, and brilliant commentary on her winning essay, Pierrette Dagg.

There was not a single weak presentation, very little repetition and all profoundly convincing. We had representation from the following parties: 

  • Theresa   Fedor      SR 221 Co sponsor, Ohio Senator
  • Petee      Talley       Ohio Unity Coalition - black voters
  • Rachel     Alvina      High  School essay
  • Pierrette  Dagg        College essay
  • Bob          Lynn        Labor and justice
  • Julian       Mack       Black Lives Matter, Activist, Community concerns
  • Greg        Coleridge State Coordinator Move to Amend
  • Sean        Nestor     Toledo Move to Amend
  • John        Ross        Single Payer Health care, public heath  
  • Nancy     Larson      Expense of running for office, campaigning democratically
  • Tony       Szilagye    Ready for  100 , cost of climate change
  • Robert    Kemp        Economist professor on high cost of Medicare part D
  • John      Stvartak      Health care and personal account.


Success:  These presenters  must have been very convincing because Council Member Nick Komives announced to me right after that he will bring the Move To Amend resolution to the November 10 council meeting!!

This is what success looks like. Each presenter can wear proudly their contribution to this breakthrough.  

Sincerely , Dennis Slotnick, Toledo Move to Amend Secretary/treasurer.